SMART4CPPS is a project developed within the Regional Law n. 29 of 23 November 2016 "Lombardia è Ricerca e Innovazione (Lombardy is Research and Innovation)", to encourage, support and promote the ecosystem of Research and Innovation of the Lombardy Region. In particular, the project has been funded thanks to the "Agreements for Research, Development and Innovation", co-financed by the Lombardy Region through the European funds Por Fesr 2014/2020.
It was born from the collaboration of a group of Companies, Universities and Research Centres of the Lombardy area within the AFIL workgroup (Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia – Intelligent Factory Association of Lombardy), the Cluster recognized by the Lombardy Region as a reference point for R&I in advanced manufacturing.
SMART4CPPS aims at "designing" the Intelligent Factories of the future by developing innovative applications in the Lombard manufacturing sphere of component and machine manufacturers to achieve a high-quality, flexible and zero-defect production process. The project was carried out through 6 "Pilots", in which ICT technologies are no longer mere support to production processes but are integrated into components, machines and environments to make them intercommunicating and smart.

- Analytics for Smart Components
Project Leader:
Starting Date:
Closing Date:
"Analytics for Smart Components" deals with the self-diagnosis of mechatronic components. Camozzi Automation, Ste Industries and the University of Bergamo worked closely together to develop electromechanical actuators able to self-diagnose their operational status and transmit the relative data to the factory system. From this perspective, the new generation components are not only able to guarantee the key specifications, but at the same time, they must be "Industry 4.0 ready". Therefore, the target pursued working closely with an Open Innovation point of view at this project was to develop smart and self-diagnosing components able to extract useful information and make them visible to the factory system to perform smart analyses in view of predictive maintenance.
The activities pursued during the SMART4CPPS project are as follows:
- Selection and analysis of the actuators for which to develop a prototype
- Selection of sensors to use
- Designing of the Hardware components of the system
- Designing the Condition Assessment algorithm: check the variation of the profile of the current flowing in the drive to provide useful information. The algorithm has been embedded in the software of the actuator's drive, allowing an advanced reading of the current status to understand the component's health status.
The partners went further by riding the wave of continuous improvement and created an applied demo. More specifically, they created an innovative test bench for actuators, equipped with different sensors in order to collect a high number of data in a precise and punctual way to extract useful information to monitor and predict the operational conditions of a component installed inside a machine or system, so as to implement the best predictive maintenance strategies.